Top Marketing Trends, Chatbots, Being Everywhere, and Video

Marketing is constantly changing and evolving with new trends. While AI has been dominating the conversation lately, there are other non-AI or emerging AI marketing trends you need to leverage now to grow your business in 2023.

Chatbots Are Taking Over (marketing trends 2023)

Chatbots are AI-powered messaging tools that can drastically increase conversions and engagement. With intuitive platforms like ManyChat, setting up chatbots on Instagram or Facebook is easier than ever.

You can create sequences where messaging your bot triggers customized responses. For example, DM’ing “workshop” sends info on an upcoming webinar or commenting “freebie” delivers a link to download a lead magnet. The options are endless.

Chatbots gather data on ideal customers so you can target Facebook and Instagram ads more precisely. They also initiate conversations, book demos, enroll users in email sequences, and scale your reach exponentially.

Be Everywhere: The Power of Omnipresence (omnipresent marketing)

Being omnipresent means showing up on multiple platforms consistently so ideal customers see you everywhere. Serial entrepreneur Cody Sanchez leverages omnipresence brilliantly across Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and more to rapidly grow her brand.

You don’t need an account on every platform but you should have a presence on the ones where your audience spends time. And you don’t have to recycle the same content everywhere. Do YouTube tutorials, Instagram Reels, TikTok clips, etc. Make sure you’re developing unique, valuable material for each channel.

The goal of omnipresence is when a potential customer sees you in multiple places, they feel like they “know” you. Familiarity builds trust and increases conversions over time.

Video Is Non-Negotiable (video marketing trends)

We’ve been saying it for years but now video is an absolute must. YouTube watches over 1 billion hours of video every single day. Social media platforms favor video content in feeds and views continue to rise exponentially across channels.

Video builds trust and authority rapidly. It gives you a chance to display your passion, knowledge and personality – things that rarely come across effectively in blogs alone.

If you’re not leveraging video to some degree already, you’re getting left behind. Short form content for social and longer form tutorials, case studies and webinars on YouTube are proven trust and traffic builders.

AI certainly has a place in the future of marketing but don’t ignore the fundamentals. If you focus on chatbots, omnipresence and video first, you’ll set yourself up for sustainable growth and success.


Jumping on trends early, like the ones covered here, is the best way to get ahead of competition. Don’t wait to implement chatbots, expand your platforms or start leveraging video. Taking action now will pay dividends in your marketing results and business growth for 2023 and beyond.

