Take Your Web Presence To The Next Level

  • How Zoom Beat Skype: The Inspiring Story Behind the Rise of the Video Conferencing Giant

    How Zoom Beat Skype: The Inspiring Story Behind the Rise of the Video Conferencing Giant

    Eric Yuan was born in China in 1970 and always had an entrepreneurial drive. As a child, he would collect and sell scrap metal to raise money for his family. This creativity continued into adulthood when a chance encounter inspired Eric’s vision for Zoom. While riding crowded trains for 10 hours just to visit his…

  • How I Transitioned from a Toxic Job to a Fulfilling Digital Marketing Career

    How I Transitioned from a Toxic Job to a Fulfilling Digital Marketing Career

    Making a career change to do work you’re passionate about can be life-changing. For me, transitioning from an unfulfilling sales job to digital marketing completely transformed my life and career. In this article, I’ll share my journey of how I went from working in a toxic environment to landing my first digital marketing job by…

  • How LinkedIn is Ruining Your Career: The Dark Side of Corporate Worship Culture

    How LinkedIn is Ruining Your Career: The Dark Side of Corporate Worship Culture

    LinkedIn is one of the strangest social media platforms in existence. Where else can you find people bragging about working unpaid overtime and writing appreciation posts to the company that just laid them off? It’s a really weird website, but is it hurting your career? LinkedIn is a strange place where people talk at length…

  • Tips for Maximizing Instagram Engagement

    Tips for Maximizing Instagram Engagement

    In the world of social media, Instagram stands out as a powerful platform for individuals and businesses alike. But how can you maximize your Instagram engagement and grow your following? In this article, we will delve into the key insights from the provided transcript, offering tips and strategies to help you increase your Instagram engagement…

  • Launching a Successful Corporate Blog

    Launching a Successful Corporate Blog

    Launching a corporate blog can be a powerful tool for your business, but it requires careful planning and strategy. In this article, we’ll explore the insights shared by Melinda Emerson, a Small Business expert, on how to launch a corporate blog successfully. From defining your goals to understanding your audience, we’ll walk through the essential…

  • Mastering the Marketing Funnel Strategies: TOFU, MOFU and BOFU

    Mastering the Marketing Funnel Strategies: TOFU, MOFU and BOFU

    In the dynamic landscape of social media advertising, understanding and mastering the marketing funnel is crucial for the success of marketers, brands, and businesses. The marketing funnel is a fundamental concept that can be divided into three pivotal stages: top of the funnel (TOFU), middle of the funnel (MOFU), and bottom of the funnel (BOFU).…

  • How Does WhatsApp Make Money and Why Facebook Bought It for Billions

    How Does WhatsApp Make Money and Why Facebook Bought It for Billions

    In a world where “if you’re not paying for the product, you are the product,” WhatsApp emerges as an enigmatic player. This article embarks on a captivating journey through WhatsApp’s evolution, its complex revenue model, and the intriguing motives behind Facebook’s multi-billion-dollar investment. WhatsApp’s Early Days and Its Revenue Model: The year was 2009 when…

  • Skype from Nostalgic Sound to Digital Giant

    Skype from Nostalgic Sound to Digital Giant

    Do you remember the iconic Skype ringtone? The blings and ringtones that were once a part of our lives but now seem like distant memories. Skype, the revolutionary communication tool, had its humble beginnings in Estonia, a tiny country, just 12 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union. In this article, we delve into…

  • Becoming a Digital Marketing Expert

    Becoming a Digital Marketing Expert

    In today’s digital age, mastering the art of digital marketing can be a game-changer for businesses across the globe. It’s akin to having a superpower that allows you to reach and engage with customers on an entirely new level. If you’ve ever dreamt of becoming a digital marketing expert, you’re in for a treat. This…

  • Mastering SEO in 2024: Your Comprehensive Roadmap to Digital Success

    Mastering SEO in 2024: Your Comprehensive Roadmap to Digital Success

    In the ever-evolving digital landscape, where visibility reigns supreme and competition is fierce, mastering the art and science of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has never been more crucial. As we set our sights on 2024, the world of SEO is poised for remarkable transformations, offering a spectrum of opportunities to those who dare to tread…

  • Mastering Sales Calls: 3 Crucial Questions for Converting Leads

    Mastering Sales Calls: 3 Crucial Questions for Converting Leads

    Before embarking on your next sales call, there are three vital questions you must address. The success of your sales call hinges on understanding your lead’s motivations, previous interactions, and the specific call-to-action you have in mind. In this article, we’ll delve into these crucial aspects, ensuring you’re well-prepared to convert those leads into valuable…

  • Sustainability in Tech and Hosting: Challenges and Innovations

    Sustainability in Tech and Hosting: Challenges and Innovations

    Welcome to an insightful discussion at i3d.net on the topic of sustainability in the tech and hosting industry. In this dialogue, Eva Pressman, Operations Manager at i3d.net, shares her insights into the challenges and innovations in the sustainability journey, covering crucial aspects like reducing emissions, extending device life cycles, and embracing renewable energy. Emissions in…