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  • Top Marketing Trends, Chatbots, Being Everywhere, and Video

    Top Marketing Trends, Chatbots, Being Everywhere, and Video

    Marketing is constantly changing and evolving with new trends. While AI has been dominating the conversation lately, there are other non-AI or emerging AI marketing trends you need to leverage now to grow your business in 2023. Chatbots Are Taking Over (marketing trends 2023) Chatbots are AI-powered messaging tools that can drastically increase conversions and…

  • Gmail Losing Popularity: Understanding Why the Go-To Email Service Is No Longer the Default Choice

    Gmail Losing Popularity: Understanding Why the Go-To Email Service Is No Longer the Default Choice

    Gmail’s popularity is rapidly declining. In September 2021, Gmail controlled 35.25% of the email client market share. However, by October 2022, their share had fallen to just 27.95% – a massive drop of 7.3 percentage points in only 13 months. With approximately 4.26 billion email users worldwide, this means Gmail has likely lost over 306…

  • How Yahoo Threw Away Everything: The Rise and Spectacular Demise of a $125 Billion Company

    How Yahoo Threw Away Everything: The Rise and Spectacular Demise of a $125 Billion Company

    Yahoo was once one of the largest and most influential internet companies in the world, with a peak valuation of over $125 billion in the late 1990s. However, a series of poor decisions and missed opportunities led to Yahoo’s rapid demise over the following decades. Today, Yahoo is a shell of its former self, having…

  • Exposing the Dark Side of BetterHelp’s Dubious Practices

    Exposing the Dark Side of BetterHelp’s Dubious Practices

    BetterHelp exploded in popularity as the premier online therapy platform, boasting over 2.5 million users. However, behind the impressive growth lies some concerning practices driven by profit motives rather than ethics. This article will analyze BetterHelp’s dubious data handling, misleading advertising, lack of transparency about services, and the overall risks of commercializing mental healthcare. BetterHelp…

  • The Unfortunate Realization that Advertising Will Never Peak

    The Unfortunate Realization that Advertising Will Never Peak

    Advertising is everywhere—from TV commercials to social media sponsored posts to subtle product placements. With the average American exposed to around 10,000 ads per day, it’s an industry worth nearly $1 trillion dominated by massive corporations. But with most people actively avoiding or ignoring ads, have we reached peak advertising? Unfortunately, companies are finding new…

  • The Waning Glory Days of Google and Their Pivot to Enterprise Cloud

    The Waning Glory Days of Google and Their Pivot to Enterprise Cloud

    In the early days of cloud computing, Google struggled to gain a foothold. Back in 2008, Google launched App Engine as an attempt to allow developers to easily leverage Google’s infrastructure to deploy websites and web applications. Initially, App Engine seemed promising – garnering 20,000 developers in the first month and adding paid tiers within…

  • The Incredible Power and Potential Toxicity of LinkedIn, the Most Focused Social Network

    The Incredible Power and Potential Toxicity of LinkedIn, the Most Focused Social Network

    LinkedIn is one of the most powerful social networks in the world. With over 950 million members across more than 200 countries and territories, LinkedIn boasts impressive user numbers. However, when evaluating the true power of a platform, we have to look beyond vanity metrics like monthly active users. The real indicators of LinkedIn’s dominance…

  • How Microsoft Became The Biggest Tech Vendor For The US Military

    How Microsoft Became The Biggest Tech Vendor For The US Military

    The United States military has always relied on having access to the best technologies. American tech companies were once eager to work with the defense establishment, but views have shifted. Recently, thousands of Google employees protested the company’s involvement in a Pentagon drone program. However, Microsoft has gone the opposite direction under CEO Satya Nadella,…

  • 17 Websites Where You Can Get Free Money

    17 Websites Where You Can Get Free Money

    If you’ve struggled with poverty or financial hardship, you know what it’s like to worry about affording even basic necessities. I lived in poverty for the first 30 years of my life, often surviving on just potatoes, bread and milk because I didn’t have money for vegetables, chicken or meat. I sincerely hope the 17…

  • Optimize Your Website’s Domain & Page Factors for Google Rankings

    Optimize Your Website’s Domain & Page Factors for Google Rankings

    Getting ranked on the first page of Google is the holy grail for most websites, but it’s easier said than done. With over 200 ranking factors that Google considers, it can be overwhelming trying to optimize your site. In this blog post, we’ll break down the most important domain and page-level ranking factors you need…

  • The Evolution of AI Chatbots: Claude 2 vs ChatGPT and Emerging Contenders

    The Evolution of AI Chatbots: Claude 2 vs ChatGPT and Emerging Contenders

    Artificial intelligence has evolved tremendously in recent years, with chatbots making significant advancements in their ability to hold humanlike conversations. The introduction of Claude 2 by Anthropic has caused major waves in the AI chatbot world, sparking comparisons to the respected ChatGPT. But how exactly does Claude 2 stack up against ChatGPT? Does it outperform…

  • 5 Essential Steps to Develop an Effective Digital Marketing Strategy

    5 Essential Steps to Develop an Effective Digital Marketing Strategy

    A robust digital marketing strategy is crucial for companies to succeed in the modern digital landscape. Organizations need to develop and execute a sound digital marketing strategy to appropriately allocate resources to the right channels for reaching their target audience. At a high level, a digital marketing strategy involves identifying specific marketing goals to drive…